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Latest Novel to be Published by Alumn
J.P. 史密斯70年的最新小说将于2021年9月7日出版,没错 a psychological thriller titled, The Summoning. For more information on this novel and his previous works, see jpsmith.org.
An Alumn with His Son
84届的凯尔·雅克和他的儿子约瑟夫,穿着男子冰球联盟的装备. Both have 在过去的三年里,澳门线上真人博彩公司一直在一起打球,有时在同一条线上. At 在几次比赛中,凯尔57岁的双腿跟上了球队的步伐,而乔伊则发挥出色 brand of hockey. Best to all in the Pierce family!
A Birth
Jaki (Gaudet) Selwyn '03和她的丈夫Chris在三月份迎来了女儿Charlie Mae.
Franklin Pierce Graduate Promoted to Commander
2002年的Douglas Quinn写道:“我2002年从FPC毕业,最近升职了 to the rank of Commander in the Navy. Not a typical career path at the school, but does relate to my Public Administration degree.
吉米·麦金尼斯(Jimmy McInnis)和我(Grace Ames)是2011年在FPU大三的时候认识的 and have been together ever since! We got engaged this past September and couldn't 拒绝在订婚拍照时代表母校的机会. 婚礼计划在2019年9月举行,澳门线上真人博彩公司已经告诉了澳门线上真人博彩公司的摄影师 plan for a massive alumni group photo. Go Ravens! (Photo by Dave Soucy, A Photographic Memory).
A Graduate Publishes a Novel
J.P. 70岁的杰伊·史密斯将于明年1月出版他的第八部小说《澳门线上博彩公司官网》 2020, published by Poisoned Pen Press. More can be found at jpsmith.org
Earning Another Degree
谢丽尔(斯托尔)儿童1991年,获得MAAT(艺术治疗硕士) 去年12月,位于特雷霍特的圣玛丽森林学院. Cheryl also 有幸为《澳门线上真人博彩公司》最佳漫画《澳门线上博彩公司官网》画了插图吗 Selling, and award winning Author, Michelle Medlock Adams. Cheryl owns and operates 美丽的灰烬咨询有限责任公司在泰勒,SC,她担任有执照的临床 Social Worker and Certified Art Therapist. Cheryl also serves as a creative consultant for Elk Lake Publishing in Plymouth, MA. She and her family currently live in Greenville, SC.
Graduate Honored
Rev. Bruce D. 1988年的哈林顿写道:“我最近很荣幸被哈佛大学录取 辛辛那提协会,美国最古老的世袭组织. 只有在大陆军服役的军官的后代才有资格, which is passed down through lines of primogeniture. Through my genealogical research, 我发现我可以通过我的第六代曾祖父约翰·索耶中尉申请参军资格 缅因州巴克斯顿人,在福吉谷担任马萨诸塞州第8团的军需官. I also serve as the Governor of the Washington Mayflower Society. Presently, I am 这是我在华盛顿州默瑟岛的岛民中学任教的第15年."
Alumn Assisting Companies
95岁的克里斯蒂安·布鲁内尔(Christian Brunel)继续致力于帮助公司应对各种各样的问题 他们退休计划(401[k])的复杂程度堪比拜占庭式的联邦监管; 403[b],固定福利等),以及所需的年度合规测试 & reporting. 他已经获得了合格401(k)管理员(“QKA”)的称号。 并正在学习获得合格养老金管理人(“QPA”)的称号 from the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries, a part of the greater Retirement Plan Association (ASPPA & RPA, respectively). Christian lives in Neenah, Wisconsin with wife Jamie & their five children Jonah, 14, Nathan, 13, Sarah, 12, Eden, 6 & 3岁的诺拉,那里17- 18年的降雪量都不到12英寸 winter. He wonders how it went back home in New England this winter.
1978年的乔纳森·霍姆斯写道:“在从事人事管理和人力资源工作之后 管理层,凯西,我结婚37年的妻子,和我退休了,澳门线上真人博彩公司有一个漂亮的家 位于肯塔基州中南部农村地区,有许多树木和野生动物."
A Couple is Married
12年级的陶妮·特科特和12年级的本杰明·香农于2017年9月27日结婚 Bridgton, Maine.
A Graduate Persues Sports Medicine
Kori Bainton (FPC 07, FPU 13)于2007年毕业于澳门线上博彩公司官网本科 Campus in Rindge NH with B.A. Biology. Kori completed Master of Physician Assistant 2013年在富兰克林皮尔斯黎巴嫩校区学习,并在 Rhode Island Hospital in 2015. She spent the last 3 years working in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in Emergency Medicine. 2018 Kori moved to New Hampshire to start 我的新工作是达特茅斯-希区柯克骨科和运动医学诊所的助理医生. 她非常兴奋地在实践中追求她对运动医学和骨科的热情. 她喜欢NH和它所提供的所有户外活动和机会.
An Alumn Plays Hockey
Kyle (Doc) Jacque is living in Brockport, NY. Playing ice hockey year round, his 17 year old son will be a future teammate of his this summer. Kyle has been working at 在甘尼特报纸工作了31年,在那里他认识了他的妻子凯茜27年 ago. 凯尔和凯西的另一个儿子帕特里克和他的妻子是两个孩子的骄傲父母 children (Grandparenting is new to Kyle.) Since 2013, the family has taken their 29 foot RV to various campgrounds and enjoying the sites. Each year, they meet up with 吉姆和霍莉·托特诺(尊敬的1985级和1984级)在阿迪朗达克. Big 感谢克利福德·佩尔格林(86届)、比尔和黛布·帕斯科夫斯基(84届)、乔迪·海勒(84届) and the "Baddest," Doug Amada.
A Graduate Marrys a Best Friend
2008年的芭芭拉·费尔韦瑟写道:“2017年绝对是令人兴奋的一年. October of 2017 I married my best friend Robert L. Sullivan III. I was lucky enough to have celebrated 这是我与家人和朋友在马萨诸塞州阿克顿市的交流大厅度过的特别的一天. 我最好的两个朋友也是澳门线上博彩公司官网的校友克里斯汀·尼克尔森(08届),还有 Amanda Dempsey ('06) were two of my bridesmaids.
Another Alumn Marrys
凯利和库森于2017年5月在奇滕登的山顶酒店结婚, VT. Kelly在瓦格纳学院(Wagner College)获得工商管理硕士学位,目前是该公司的高级营销经理 Nestle Waters, focusing on communication brand planning. Coursen received his MD from 宾夕法尼亚州立大学医学院毕业,现在是儿科住院医师 沃尔特·里德的美国陆军上尉,主要研究诊断和 management of childhood leukemias. The two recently bought a house in Silver Spring, MD and are the proud parents of their beloved furbaby, Izzy.
A Graduate Becomes An Author
蕾妮·博勒加德·卢特10年出版了一本名为Winicker Wallace的章节丛书, and it is geared toward children ages 8-12. Her publisher is Calico, an imprint of ABDO旗下的《澳门线上真人博彩公司》,出版日期为2017年12月15日. She 是由汤普森文学经纪公司的Cindy Uh代理的,她的第一本 Winicker的书,Winicker讨厌巴黎)包括在右边的图像中. The four 该系列的书是:Winicker讨厌巴黎Winicker和婴儿等待Winicker and the Christmas Visit Winicker and the American Boy
An Alumn Writes His First Novel
Steven Szmyt刚刚出版了他的第一部小说《澳门线上真人博彩公司》 reviews and he iscurrently working on the follow up. Steven is still living in Portsmouth NH with his wife Stacey and two daughters.
Celebrating Success
1985届毕业生兰德尔·肯尼迪的一篇文章刊登在《 美国公共关系协会的月刊《澳门线上真人博彩公司》. "Academic 愿景:服务校园领导作为一个有效的沟通者”提供的见解 高等教育传播学专业人士如何采用最佳实践来讲述 their most strategic stories. Randy, a graduate of the University’s Mass Communications 2013年马林菲茨沃特奖章的获得者是一位校友 Academy Communications是波士顿地区一家帮助高校的咨询公司 across the country with media outreach.
Graduate Handles Global Communications
Tony Catinella ' 09被聘为领先的IP软件的公共关系经理 company, Anaqua in Boston, MA. In this capacity he manages all of the company's global communications, media relations and social media. He also just got engaged to his 交往了4年的女友梅根,两人预计明年6月结婚 Franklin Pierce alumni in attendance. Mr. Catinella graduated from Franklin Pierce 以最优等成绩获得大众传播学学士学位,主修新闻学,还有 a minor in advertising. While there, he served as editor-in-chief of the University’s 皮尔斯·阿罗报纸的编辑,曾是交易所在线报纸的会员 在FP电视台和广播电台工作,并在大二期间担任住宿助理, Junior and Senior year.
An Alumn Retires
Graduate Selected for NCAA Ice Hockey
David St. 劳伦斯06赛季以他的第二个赛季结束了他的2016-17 NCAA冰球赛季 直选,进入NCAA男子第三分区冰球锦标赛 Utica, New York). 大卫是全国半决赛那场比赛的边裁 St. 威斯康辛州绿湾诺伯特学院对阵哈特福德三一学院, Connecticut. 大卫还在2015-16赛季被选为边裁,担任裁判 在全国半决赛中(在纽约的普莱西德湖),St. Norbert’s College 威斯康辛州绿湾分校对阵马萨诸塞州波士顿大学, Massachusetts. David thanks not only his wife, (Jenna (Marszalek) St. Lawrence (2007-Rindge), but also their 2 children, Nolan & Nora, for letting him pursue this hobby, to a high level. 大卫参加了这两场比赛和另外四场男子NCAA D-III季后赛 Games over the past 3 seasons with his brother Michael St. Lawrence. Their main body 新英格兰小型大学体育大会(NESCAC) 和NEHC(新英格兰曲棍球会议)整个曲棍球联盟的常规 season and into the respective conference play-offs. This was David’s 8th season of officiating NCAA Ice hockey (11th year officiating overall). He is an Assistant Credit Manager for The Sherwin-Williams Company. He, Jenna, and their children reside in Westfield, Massachusetts.
A Graduate Passes
在比尔·维滕伯格的追悼会之后,他是1966届的班长和FPC friends gathered in Rindge, NH. Pictured are Dave Groder ’66, Ron Savarese ’66, Dan 67年的斯内尔,67年的维尼·唐纳利,66年的约翰·伯克,77年的戴夫·威尔逊,还有切特·门罗, boyhood friend of Bill Wittenberg.
An Alumn Reminesses
吉尔伯特·派克报道,“2016年对吉尔·派克来说是伟大的一年. We love living in the mountains of North Carolina. We have been blessed with good friends, good health and cool weather. Florida was just so hot in the summer. Family and grandchildren continue to parade to grandma and grandpa’s. Did I just say that! Wasn’t last year 1967? 2017年,澳门线上真人博彩公司期待着旅行,并希望在FPC校园停留. As 随着年龄的增长,澳门线上真人博彩公司意识到那些“拓荒者岁月”意味着多么重要和丰富.”
Celebrating Success
Sharon Lyn Stein ’71, EdD; (IMDB) from Rancho Cucamonga, CA. I majored in theater 辅修英语,这两个学位都对我很有帮助,让我成为了一个 教育专业硕士和博士学位,主修视觉和表演 arts. 除了和亨利·埃利斯共同担任社会委员会主席之外 我参加了富兰克林大学的许多委员会 Pierce. 我的教育使我以教书和表演为生 arts. I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA and Americans for the Arts. Every year for the past 四年来,我一直在为一个特殊需要的马治疗组织表演 kids. 今年澳门线上真人博彩公司给科尔·波特做了评论,我得了最佳女演员奖,等等 started with Franklin Pierce. I was in Matt Berman’s film “The Wedding Pact” as well. Matt Berman is a Franklin Pierce alumnus. I also have been a West Coast chapter leader 多年来,通过许多富兰克林将加州校友聚集在一起参加许多活动 Pierce presidents over the years. I love my alma mater and will always be grateful for the education, friendships and knowledge I received there. Thank You Franklin Pierce University! ”
A Graduate Visits
Charlie Mann ' 72报道,“2016年是充满惊喜和祝福的一年. First of all I had the privilege to revisit my alma mater, FPU. It was such a great time and so inspired me to return in June 2017 for the Reunion. I look forward to see many of my old friends from 1968-1974. At Celestial Manna, where I am Founder and Executive 主任,澳门线上真人博彩公司有足够的资源为成千上万的人提供新鲜的日常食物 food insecure people throughout the year. Please check us out at www. celestialmanna.org and on Facebook. I can’t wait to see and hear from you all soon.”
An Alumn Gives His Regards
1974年的尼尔·爱泼斯坦写道:“我最近和我的儿子朗和马歇尔在马拉松钓鱼, FL. Regards to class of ‘74. I hope all are working on their bucket list (mine is still long). 顺便说一下,对于那些去过波多黎各帕蒂拉斯的人,我现在还能听到 looks the same as it is now a preserve. Check it out on Google.”
Celebrating Success
Peter R. 1969年的泰勒,一家专门研究企业房地产的猎头公司的老板 自1978年以来,一直是美国财富500强公司的遗产管理人 现在半退休,在纽约市和新罕布什尔州汉诺威居住. His daughter is 他毕业于圣十字学院,是一名律师,现居住在康涅狄格州,有两个年幼的孩子. 他的儿子毕业于罗格斯大学,曾带领全美大学生体育协会赛区的猩红之夜击剑队 team and is currently residing in Philadelphia.
Wintering in Florida
Philip Bruno ’70 writes, “Snowbirding down to Boynton Beach, Fla...wahoo. Winters in New England aren’t the same since I left Pierce in 1970.”
A Meet and Greet
73届的玛西·芬克(波洛克)和72届的阿特·芬克非常兴奋地主持了他们的第三次“见面” 并在澳门线上真人博彩公司的FPU女子保龄球队参加锦标赛时向他们致意 in November in Delaware. Team members, coaches, parents and local alumni had a great time socializing, with plenty of good food and laughs. They are looking forward to 明年他们将回到特拉华州参加比赛. “Go Lady Ravens!”
A Graduate Returns (PHOTO)
76年的凯文·肖内西写道:“我要离开佛罗里达回到新英格兰. I think I am just missing all the activities and people I have known.” Karen (Eisenberg) Goldberg ' 79写道,“70年代和80年代的FPC校友在过去有一个小聚会 October in Port Chester, NY at the Rye House. A fun time was had by all. Looking forward to the next get together.”
Once A Student, Now A Teacher
托尼·琼斯85报道:“我在蒙特克莱尔·金伯利教授生物和化学 Academy where I have been since 2000. I am also the 12th Grade Dean and varsity boys basketball coach. I have been married for 27 years. I have a a son (Brandon) and two daughters (Breanna and Brittany).”
Owner of a Restaurant
87年的Robyn Thibodeau写道:“我在科德角开了一家季节性的海滨餐厅. If you are down on vacation, stop by and say hi. (www.sailingcow.com). I live in Mashpee, MA and work for TIAA as a senior program manager.”
Start of a Career in Healthcare
1995年Kathy (Stinchfield) Knapp ' 95, 2016年5月从学校毕业后三 years of schooling in Radiography with High Honors (3.87 GPA!). She is employed at 南缅因卫生保健,创伤II医院,在缅因州比德福德作为放射科 技术人员晚上在急诊室给创伤病人拍x光片. 她写道:“我非常喜欢自己在40岁时做出的重返校园的决定 old and change my life! I am married with two boys ages 12 and 13 years old. I was very proud to show them what Mom can do!”